Hip Flexor Strain Treatment in la mesa, alpine & santee

A sharp pain in the front of the hip (groin) is a tell-tale sign of a hip flexor strain. This pain, along with decreased or limited range of motion, and tenderness, swelling, or bruising near the groin, are also indicative of the issue. During running, biking or repetitive leg exercises, the hips may swing forward in overextension. This can cause that sharp pain in the front of the hip.

Dr. Beau stretching a patient's hip flexors

What sports and activities cause pain in the hip flexor?

Common Causes of Hip Flexor Strain

Sports and activities that require repetitive kicking, lunging, or bending can cause a hip flexor strain. Dedicated bikers and avid CrossFitters are often most at risk for hip issues.

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Road biking

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Spin classes

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Running or track

How we help

Alleviating Hip Flexor Pain

Manual Adjustments

By pressing the femur back into place, your chiropractor can help alleviate hip flexor pain and get you back to your sports and activities.

Proper Stretching

When muscles are overused, they go into spasm. With the right stretches, you can increase flexibility and reduce tightness in the hip.

How can adjustments and lifestyle changes help?

Benefits of Chiropractic

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Eliminate Pain

With appropriate manipulations and adjustments, chiropractic care can alleviate hip flexor pain and discomfort.

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Reduce Tension

Tense muscles will lead to spasms. Keeping your Psoas loose and properly stretched will enhance your mobility and performance.

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Enhance Performance

Getting the hip back into alignment can help make you faster, stronger, and improve your overall performance.